A friend of mine who had traveled to Liberia, Africa, shared with me that when a woman is widowed in Liberia, an older widow is sent to stay with the younger widow... to help the younger widow through the difficult adjustment. By sharing our experiences and our strategies - in a positive manner - we can create a similar "virtual" community where we help and support each other ...... as we to adjust. Please feel free to add your positive suggestions in the comments section following each post!

If you have lost someone very recently, please start here.....
Early On for tips for the very beginning.

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Saturday, November 21, 2015

OneFitWidow.com/Help: Someone Died!! What Do I Say And Do?

Help: Someone Died!! What Do I Say And Do?

November 20, 2015 Michelle
I posted this on Facebook on November 17, 2015 and within a day it had been seen by over 1 million people and shared over 6k times. So I figured it was time to put it in a blog so it can be referred to again and again.

You want a simple and quick list to review when the time applies to you and yours…..here it is.

Let me give a few tips for those who don’t know how to be there for friends who are grieving.


Your first instinct is going to be to give them their space, WRONG ANSWER.  Please don’t run away from them, go to them as fast as you can and keep going to them for years to come.

#2 – Say the name of the person who passed and never stop saying it

Everyone is afraid to say the name of the deceased as if they never existed.  This is one of the most painful experiences for nearly all grieving people.  We never want to forget them so keep saying their name forever.

#3 – Don’t say, “They are in a better place” or “God needed them more” or “God only gives you what you can handle”

These platitudes are just bullshit (excuses my language) and they don’t help at ALL. Even if the survivor is a person of faith I still find in most cases that these sentence do not offer any peace for a very long time. Maybe, MAYBE in several years time these platiudes will offer some comfort but don’t be surprised if they never do.

#4 – Don’t tell them to “move on” or “get over it”

Ugh, where do I start.  Those who live with loss do not MOVE ON….we MOVE FORWARD and in fact we have no other choice. Daily we takes steps to move our life forward but we never forget the person who passed or the life we shared.

#5 – Don’t ignore them thinking they need their space

For the love of all that is good – please don’t ignore the grieving.  Take them to a funny movie, call them and offer to come over and hang for coffee, invite them to dinner.  Sometimes they will say yes and sometimes they will say no but please don’t stop asking!  There is no time frame either, so keep asking long after THE YEAR that society allows someone to grieve.

#6 – Don’t say, “At least you had love” or “At least they lived a long life”

Yep, no help.  NONE.  In fact, down right hurtful.  There is no AT LEAST.

#7 – Don’t ask what they need – just go do something for them

People who are grieving are often lost and a shell of a human themselves.  If I’m being honest, they don’t know what they need in life with the exception of their their loved one back. Just show up, take them dinner, babysit their kids and let them go get a massage or a good cry.  Just let them be NORMAL for a few minutes.

#8 – Don’t expect them to EVER be the same

EVER.  Once you grieve you are changed for LIFE! Never say, “I miss who you were before they died” because who they were died when their person died.

#9 – Don’t be surprised or judgmental about anything they do

We all grieve in our own way, yet nearly every grieving person I know has been judged for their process. See my blog: Widowhood and the Glass House of Grief

#10 – Don’t say “I know how you feel”

Oh my, this one will get you in REAL trouble.  I’ve heard it all from, “my goldfish died when I was 4” to “my friends grandma died 4 years ago and I know how you feel.”  Listen, I’m very sorry for your grief but you do not know how I feel after the father of my 2 young kids and my partner died.  See my blog: Widowhood and the Dangers of Grief Comparison

#11 – Don’t Make People Replaceable

Somehow in our society we believe that if a widow/widower remarries or starts dating or if a parent has another child – that they are somehow ALL BETTER.  What a crock of crap.  Listen, people are not replaceable and love is not mutually exclusive.  Loving one person does not replace the love you had for the other person who has passed on.  See my blog: Dear Widow Police

#12 – Don’t stop saying their loved ones name

Oh, did I repeat that one, my bad.  THAT’S BECAUSE IT’S REALLY FREAKING IMPORTANT. Six years later and I still want to hear about MITCH. Don’t worry, you saying their name does not remind us of our loss – we never forget.

1 Fit Widow

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This woman is very motivating.  This post in particular helped me, even years later.
